I have just completed my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Poznań University of Technology, now I am pursuing master's degree specializing in Artificial Intelligence. My academic journey has been driven by a keen interest in machine learning since the outset of my studies. I completed my bachelor's thesis on graph neural networks. I am currently seeking opportunities to deepen my knowledge and gain practical experience in software development.
April 9, 2024
My personal website designed to share my projects and to make contact with me easier. (Still in development)
Feb. 1, 2024
My engineering thesis. My team and I researched the potential of graph neural networks to identify users by the manner in which they write on the keyboard. We conducted over 300 experiments on over 1800 graphs generated by 150 people. Our best models could decide who is typing on a keyboard with an accuracy of around 98%. If you want to learn more about our methods or read the thesis feel free to contact me in any way you find convenient.
Jan. 17, 2024
Autoencoder based on convolutional neural network that is designed to learn on a dataset of RGB images and then color grayscale images in a way they look realistic.
Jan. 26, 2023
Complex web-based betting application built on a relational database, providing administrators with the ability to add and edit matches, teams, and leagues. Users can virtually deposit and withdraw funds, search and filter incoming matches place bets, and combine them into coupons. The application also features automated settlement of coupons based on match results and allocation of monetary funds accordingly.
Jan. 19, 2023
System for streaming live poker games to a website while accurately calculating winning odds for each player. Utilizing a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and webcams—one for community cards and one for each player—the system employs open-source software for card recognition and odds calculation. Cards detected by the cameras are sent to a central server, which computes winning probabilities for players and displays them on the website interface.
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